Today on Felger and Mazz, the topic of conversation was Richard Sherman, Aqib Talib, and other possible free agent targets for the Patriots. I heard Michael Felger going on about how he’s a big fan of Sherman and values his Stanford intelligence, which gave me déja-vu to a caller’s extremely similar argument last week. But the caller’s comments were promptly shot down by Felger and crew (as usual). So I did some digging and found the transcripts from last Thursday’s show, and here’s the interaction I found:
Radio Caller: “Richard Sherman went to Stanford. He’s a smart guy and he’s already called himself the best. He’s out there to be the best and to win championships…”
Felger: “Yeah, no question... What was the first thing that [the caller] said?”
Murray: “Sherman over Talib because Sherman went to Stanford”
Felger: “I could care less where he went... I don’t care about that. To me, that’s not it.”
Co-host Tony Massarotti and Jim Murray (who occasionally chimes in and does hourly updates on the show) both hopped on board the Felger bandwagon and added:
Murray: “It doesn’t mean he’s that intelligent because he went to Stanford”
Mazz: “I’m with Murray, let’s not confuse the academia”
Then, Felger agrees and shows his approval for the betas of the show, going on to say that, just because a player goes to a good school, it doesn’t mean they’re smart, and that he cares more about football intelligence either way.
Today, Felger completely contradicted himself and showed his true hypocrisy by saying:
“I’ve always liked Richard Sherman, and I do think he’s a smart guy... people say he’s a smart guy because he went to Stanford, which I do give him credit for. Like, naturally, I would give [to] anyone who goes to a good school. I think that kids who come out of Harvard are smart… Richard Sherman comes out of Stanford and we’re not allowed to say that he’s a smart guy? The fact that he went to Stanford is one of the reasons I know he’s smart”
Mazz and Stewart agreed and blabbed on about how smart guys go to Ivies and that by this logic Sherman is a smart guy himself.
Listen, I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve never hated Felger. I thought his comments about Roy Halladay were certainly egregious and that he’s often hypercritical, but everyone knows that’s his schtick. ~TB wrote recently about how Felger is a “savvy, power-hungry genius” who takes on the villain role and “sits in what’s known as the ‘a-hole chair.’” Not only is he all that and a bag of chips, but now I’m a bit to unnerved to find out that he’s a hypocrite as well.
Felger goes from the argument that you can’t base a player’s intelligence on his college education to the complete opposite point of view, which he supports by saying “the fact that he went to Stanford is one of the reasons I know he’s smart.” If that isn’t hypocrisy in its truest form, then someone please tell me what is.
The crazy part of this is that nobody on the show called him out for it. Instead, Mazz and Murray backed him up and forged onward down the path of kissing Felger’s feet. I guess it’s not that crazy, actually, because this seems to be a trend with Felger & Mazz; ~TB hit it the nail right on the head when he said that “Felger has swindled every member of that broadcast under his control.”
In just a week, Michael Felger, AKA Radio Monarch, changed his stance on Richard Sherman, thinking nobody would notice. Sorry Mike, but you can’t pull a fast one on this investigative journalist. Readers––I’ll be keeping my ears peeled for any future hypocritical statements; don’t you worry.
Given my stance on outright hypocrisy and Felger’s past aggressions, I officially renounce any future partnership that Third and Long may take up with Felger & Mazz and Beasley Media Group.
(Photo via Boston Herald)