(Photo via @claytrain_ on Twitter)
Every once in awhile, you hear a story that renews your faith in humanity and might even cause your heart to grow a couple sizes.

I hope that this tale of passing on a good deed will do that very thing to you. Oh, and by the way, if you had any doubt that Third and Long is some silly Barstool wannabe, I can tell you definitively that they wouldn’t share such a sappy, feel-good report.
The story:
As is the tradition at many high schools in America, the girls at Concord-Carlisle High School created a Facebook group to share their prom dresses and ensure that nobody showed up to the big dance wearing the same outfit. Well, a few guys thought it’d be funny to make a parody group called “CC Tuxes 2018” in which the boys posted pictures of their tuxedos (which, of course, were all pretty much the same).
Naturally, one specific photo became a fan-favorite, and everyone had his own alteration of Joseph A. Bank’s tux model Clayton Straker (pictured below).

These tiny changes in bow-tie color, shirt pattern, or backdrop quickly spiraled into a feverish generation of memes about Clayton and his suit. Here are a couple examples:

A few members of the group searched the internet high and low, eventually coming across Clayton’s social media profiles and contacting him through direct message. In this correspondence, the two parties discovered that Clayton was quite enthusiastic about wanting to come to prom. Thus, a GoFundMe was born, and upwards of $300 were raised to bring Mr. Straker to the CC Prom. Sadly, GoFundMe incorrectly characterized the fundraiser as an illegitimate cause for raising money, shutting down the GoFundMe page entirely.
Now, many would have balked in the face of this adversity, but Clayton and the guys from CC Tuxes forged on. The two parties struck a deal that, if enough money was raised for a charity of CC Tuxes’ choice, Clayton would make the flight out from Utah to attend the 2018 prom.
Rosie’s Place, a women’s shelter in Boston, Massachusetts, was chosen, and the goal was set at $1,000. As of now, upwards of $350 have been raised in just a few hours. Visit the link below, give what you can, and let’s give this story the happy ending it deserves.
PROGRESS UPDATE: $2500 / $1000 raised
(Photos courtesy of CC Tuxes, GIPHY, and Jos. A Bank)