Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has decided that he has better things to do and won’t be participating in OTAs this offseason. After all the mayhem that has gone on within the Patriots organization over the course of the last year or so, Brady not being bothered to show up to prepare for the 2018-19 NFL season with his teammates is certainly utterly fantastic news! Wanna know something that’ll make you feel even better? Well, here ya go: Robert Kraft is justifying Brady’s conspicuous absence by saying that…
"these are voluntary workouts. I think he’s in great shape. I think he’s at an age where he’s blessed to have three children, has responsibilities. It’s hard to fulfill those during the season."
Well, I guess that explains it. Tom Brady can’t practice with his teammates because he has children and other “responsibilities.” Thankfully, no one else on the team has kids, so we don’t need to worry about other guys skipping OTAs, and in regards to Brady’s other “responsibilities,” thank the good lord that the man doesn’t have a full-time job where he’s paid millions of dollars or anything. It’d be a real shame if these other responsibilities, such as going to Monaco, were to get in the way of his career.
Thankfully though, the guy has no commitments to stand in the way of his vacationing.
Now, if I may suspend the sarcasm for a moment, let me just say how absolutely ridiculous this is. Tom Brady committed to playing until his mid-40s--that’s why Robert Kraft decided to stay with him and let go of Jimmy G--and now that Garoppolo is gone, what is Brady doing? Oh, he’s tending to his other business ventures instead of practicing with his team.
And Kraft’s justification for this is so utterly repulsive that it made me physically ill when I read it. The “Patriot Way” was supposedly the idea that every man on the team does his job and takes care of his responsibilities to the team accordingly. Well, if that’s the case, than Tom Brady should be in Foxboro right now participating in OTAs, but unfortunately for us Pats fans, he’s not. So I guess all the “Patriot Way” talk was complete hooey then, right? If you start making exceptions for certain players, then the entire system becomes moot. What a complete disgrace.
Imagine being a Patriots player right now, participating in OTAs and working hard, and your leader is nowhere to be found. There is absolutely no justifying this, and thankfully Bill Belichick didn’t even attempt to excuse his quarterback’s shocking lack of integrity, as he said, "I'm not going to talk about the people that aren’t here. The guys who are here are improving, they're working hard. Those are the guys we’re going to focus on."
Beautifully said, Bill.