Welcome, welcome all. Exciting times have truly fallen upon us. As you’ve probably figured out by clicking on this blog, Third and Long has taken its talents across platforms and will now be providing you with your daily dose of steaming hot sports takes in the form of blogs.
As the show’s top commenter, I was inevitably offered an incredibly lucrative deal to become one of the core members of the new writing staff. While haggling back and forth and debating over the millions that I would be paid, we came to a crossroads on one issue that neither side was willing to budge on. Tucker Boynton, second in command here at Third and Long, was incredibly stubborn about giving me the creative freedom that I need to succeed. He was unwilling to unlock the creative box that he wished to stuff me in. This very nearly sent us our separate ways, as I weighed the numerous options I was blessed enough to have. Then, by the graces of God, Scott Crosby, first in command here at Third and Long, stopped Tucker and told him enough was enough. He stepped in and said, “Tucker, I trust this guy. Give him the keys to the franchise. Give Box Score Bishop the opportunity to be the best Box Score Bishop that he can be. Unlock that creative box. We need this guy, so let him flourish.”
For this, I am eternally grateful. I owe Scott Crosby for giving me the opportunity to be the best Box Score Bishop that I can be. Thank you, Scott, for giving me total and complete creative freedom when I write for the blog that you built from the ashes of despair into the empire that it is today. I will fight for you, I will bleed for you, I will write for you and I will even back up your most ridiculous takes.
I write this blog as a favor for all of those bold enough to stand in the path that separates Team Crosby from greatness. It will do you no good. Team Crosby is a well-oiled machine that stops for no one, fears no one and backs down from no fight. Team Crosby will take no prisoners. Team Crosby will spare no lives. If you dare to stand in our way, you will be trampled, shoved in a locker and publicly humiliated. Fear us; it is the wise thing to do.